por sólo 3,50 € y a todo color
Killer First Reader. Now available!
3,50 € in a full color edition
Presentación oficial en:
CAFÉ MOLAR, calle de la Ruda 19 (La Latina, Madrid)
sábado 6 de abril, 20:00 horas
Por fin está disponible la sorprendente 1ª Cartilla Killer que a cuatro manos hemos pergeñado el inigualable Doctor Zonum y un servidor (miembros ambos del colectivo Killer Toons). Se trata de una tirada limitada de 300 ejemplares, que pretende convertir a este singular producto en un objeto de coleccionista. Como muchos avispados lectores habrán adivinado, la cartilla rinde homenaje en su diseño y estructura a aquella mítica 1ª Cartilla Palau con la que los autores (y muchos otros niños) aprendieron a leer en su infancia.
Sin embargo, en nuestro caso los contenidos son un cúmulo de referencias a los mitos del terror y la television, los iconos del pop y del cómic así como un tributo a la serie B y el humor negro que caracteriza a las publicaciones editadas bajo el sello de Ediciones Canallas.
Finally, it is available the Killer First Reader, an amazing work made by Doc Zonum and myself (both members of the group Killer Toons). This is a limited edition of 300 copies, which aims to become this product a collector's item. As many quick-witted readers will have guessed, the book pays homage in its design and structure to that mythical Palau First Reader with which the authors (and many other children) learned to read as a child.
However, in our case the contents are full of references to myths of horror and television, icons of pop and comics as well as a tribute to B movies and black humor that characterizes the editions issued under the trade mark Ediciones Canallas.
Finally, it is available the Killer First Reader, an amazing work made by Doc Zonum and myself (both members of the group Killer Toons). This is a limited edition of 300 copies, which aims to become this product a collector's item. As many quick-witted readers will have guessed, the book pays homage in its design and structure to that mythical Palau First Reader with which the authors (and many other children) learned to read as a child.
However, in our case the contents are full of references to myths of horror and television, icons of pop and comics as well as a tribute to B movies and black humor that characterizes the editions issued under the trade mark Ediciones Canallas.
De este modo, no es de extrañar que la E sea de Elvis
Thus, it is not surprising that E is for Elvis
Thus, it is not surprising that E is for Elvis
la GO de Golem
GO is for Golem
GO is for Golem
y la VA de Vampiro
and VA for Vampire
and VA for Vampire
Para aquellos amantes de los productos curiosos y especiales, va destinada esta 1ª Cartilla Killer que, por otra parte, también ayudará, si se lo proponen, como instrumento de iniciación a la lectura... ja, ja, ja !
This Killer First Reader is intended for lovers of rare and special products, but also can help you to improve your reading skills... haw, haw, haw !
This Killer First Reader is intended for lovers of rare and special products, but also can help you to improve your reading skills... haw, haw, haw !
La presentación oficial será en el Café Molar (en la calle de la Ruda en pleno barrio de la La Latina, en Madrid) a las 20:00 horas del sábado 6 de abril de 2013.
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