La secuencia de los hechos es más o menos esta: viernes 1 de octubre de 2010, regreso del trabajo, de una jornada más de rutina y futilidad. Las tardes las dedico a dibujar, más ahora que tengo por delante la nueva historieta para Killer Toons nº 3. Pero después del almuerzo llega siempre ese rato de relax que en las últimas semanas ocupo con la lectura de los recopilatorios de Carlitos y Snoopy (Planeta DeAgostini). Me gusta abrir un tomo cualquiera y leer al azar unas cuantas páginas. La ironía quiere que ayer viernes abra por la página 23 del tomo de 1965-1966, justo para encontrarme con las tiras correspondientes a los días 15,16 y 17 de febrero del 65. Y descubro una vez más la grandeza de esta tira, que expresa con su peculiar humor los sentimientos de todos y cada uno de los seres humanos comunes. La distancia entre ese lejano febrero de 1965 y octubre de 2010 se hace imperceptible. No hay apenas gag en el humor de Peanuts, su humor es otra cosa quizás más sutil y elevada y por eso me fascina. Y de repente recuerdo que hoy 2 de octubre es el 60 aniversario de aquella primera aparición y, claro está, no puedo dejar pasar la ocasión de felicitar al bueno de Charlie Brown con mi peculiar homenaje.

Now, you also can enjoy the English version !
The sequence of events is roughly this: Friday October 1st, 2010, I arrive at home from work, another day of routine and futility. These days, in the afternoon I draw a new issue for the comic magazine Killer Toons. But after lunch it's always relaxing time, then I read Peanuts compilations (edited in Spain by Planeta DeAgostini according Fantagraphics' edition). I like to open any volume and read randomly a few pages. Ironically yesterday I opened on page 23 of volume of 1965-1966, just to meet the strips for the days 15th,16th and 17th, February 1965. And, once again, I discover the greatness of this strip, its characteristic humor expresses the feelings of each and every one of ordinary human beings. Then, the distance since February 1965 to October 2010 turns into a imperceptible reality. There is little gags in the humor of Peanuts, but its humor is other thing, maybe a subtle irony that fascinates me. And suddenly, I remember that today October 2nd means the 60th anniversary of the first appearance of Peanuts. Of course, I can not miss the opportunity to congratulate the good ol' Charlie Brown with my peculiar tribute.
The sequence of events is roughly this: Friday October 1st, 2010, I arrive at home from work, another day of routine and futility. These days, in the afternoon I draw a new issue for the comic magazine Killer Toons. But after lunch it's always relaxing time, then I read Peanuts compilations (edited in Spain by Planeta DeAgostini according Fantagraphics' edition). I like to open any volume and read randomly a few pages. Ironically yesterday I opened on page 23 of volume of 1965-1966, just to meet the strips for the days 15th,16th and 17th, February 1965. And, once again, I discover the greatness of this strip, its characteristic humor expresses the feelings of each and every one of ordinary human beings. Then, the distance since February 1965 to October 2010 turns into a imperceptible reality. There is little gags in the humor of Peanuts, but its humor is other thing, maybe a subtle irony that fascinates me. And suddenly, I remember that today October 2nd means the 60th anniversary of the first appearance of Peanuts. Of course, I can not miss the opportunity to congratulate the good ol' Charlie Brown with my peculiar tribute.

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